Everyday Chaos and The Joy Found Within
I was going through my "drafts" and I found this post that never made it to the blog. It is from December 2013 and I thought it a worthy read for the beginning of a new year. Happy 2015 and enjoy the journey!
I am so grateful for His grace and mercy that are new every morning. I fail so often and I become weary but as I change my perspective, and focus on His love, I regain joy and peace. It IS well with my soul even when chaos threatens to swirl and spin around me.
Be it known that this is not uncommon chaos, it is the chaos of every day life that threatens to overwhelm and consume me most days.
Contractions that keep me awake at night so I wake up groggy.
Helping my toddler potty train and thus burning the bagels that are under the broiler for breakfast... for the second morning in a row.
My beautiful new dish, shattered on the floor because of little hands that were not paying attention.
Another argument to referee and provide direction with.
Dishes to wash, laundry to fold, a floor to mop.
Little ones screaming because they don't get their own way.
A boo boo to mend.
A friend who calls who just needs a listening ear and someone to tell her she is loved and all will be well.
Making dinner while my wee ones tug at me wanting a story, wanting a snack, wanting to stop and have a tea party.
A dirty diaper to change.
A last minute glance at the calendar that tells me... tomorrow I have a group of ladies coming over for a Bible study and I am not prepared, I don't know what I am serving for a snack, I skipped vacuuming the library (where we all meet) because I had to wipe up a spill and became distracted, and I cannot remember when my last shower was.
Sometimes I throw my hands up in the air and with tears in my eyes I let the children know I need a few minutes and I lock myself in the bathroom. I just need to still my racing heart. To focus on what is true... to focus on the BLESSINGS in this crazy, messy, beautiful life. Life can rush at me so quickly at times I forget to focus on the JOY.
Satan loves to distract us with the mundane and try to make us feel like what we are doing is not worthy. But beloved readers, these seemingly monotonous tasks of feeding/caring for our children and our home are MORE than we realize.
The snow clings heavily to the branches of the trees outside my window like His redemption that clings to my soul.
White. Pure. Simple. Just like His gift.
Be it known that this is not uncommon chaos, it is the chaos of every day life that threatens to overwhelm and consume me most days.
The butter that exploded in the microwave AFTER I cleaned it. |
Contractions that keep me awake at night so I wake up groggy.
Helping my toddler potty train and thus burning the bagels that are under the broiler for breakfast... for the second morning in a row.
My beautiful new dish, shattered on the floor because of little hands that were not paying attention.
Another argument to referee and provide direction with.
Dishes to wash, laundry to fold, a floor to mop.
Little ones screaming because they don't get their own way.
A boo boo to mend.
A friend who calls who just needs a listening ear and someone to tell her she is loved and all will be well.
Making dinner while my wee ones tug at me wanting a story, wanting a snack, wanting to stop and have a tea party.
A dirty diaper to change.
A last minute glance at the calendar that tells me... tomorrow I have a group of ladies coming over for a Bible study and I am not prepared, I don't know what I am serving for a snack, I skipped vacuuming the library (where we all meet) because I had to wipe up a spill and became distracted, and I cannot remember when my last shower was.
Sometimes I throw my hands up in the air and with tears in my eyes I let the children know I need a few minutes and I lock myself in the bathroom. I just need to still my racing heart. To focus on what is true... to focus on the BLESSINGS in this crazy, messy, beautiful life. Life can rush at me so quickly at times I forget to focus on the JOY.
Satan loves to distract us with the mundane and try to make us feel like what we are doing is not worthy. But beloved readers, these seemingly monotonous tasks of feeding/caring for our children and our home are MORE than we realize.
“No act of kindness, no matter how
small, is ever wasted.”
― Aesop-
Changing diapers, doing daily tasks around the house to help keep our homes tidy and orderly, making meals, kissing boo-boos, reading the same book over and over as your little one squeals of delight because they recognize the word "cat" now... these are all acts of kindness.
Each time we place clean, folded laundry on our children's beds we are saying "I love you",
each runny nose we wipe and dirty diaper we change we are telling our children "we care".
Each tea party we have, game we play, coloring page we color, story we listen to... we are telling our children " you MATTER to me".
It is easy for me to lose sight of the big picture and become inundated with these daily tasks of life. I can become the worst version of myself, losing it over the little things, like the Christmas tree. In those moments my children see the real me... the imperfect, sinful Mommy who NEEDS a Savior. They see me make mistakes, they watch me fail, they see me ask forgiveness and repentance and they KNOW it is going to be okay, they KNOW they don't have to be perfect to be loved and cherished by their parents or by their God. It is good and healthy for them to see I don't have it all together - that Jesus died for Mommy's sins and failures just as much as He died for theirs.
I exhale and let go and allow God to move.
I gaze out the kitchen window, across the meadow to those beautiful trees, glistening white. Redemption is here. I look back at my day and see His hand in the midst of those crazy moments - holding it all together and bringing the beauty.
He loves us... right where we are at. What a beautiful Savior we serve.
Praying that you have JOY today in the midst of whatever life brings you.
With love,
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